Science is a Contact Sport (or, SICB 2012)

The new year is almost here, and as soon as it is I will be jumping on a plane and heading to Charleston, SC for the 2012 annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. I skipped the conference season last summer in order to focus on lab work (and to share parenting duties with my wife), so a winter conference is just what I need to get back into the swing of things. After all, science is a contact sport and social networking is crucial to a successful career. As a late registrant, I will present a poster on my Anolis carolinensis phylogeography work. It’s not a talk, but I think it will be received fairly well, and it takes some pressure off in terms of performance and any stage fright. I know there will be tons of great Anolis research as well as all sorts of work in ecology, evolutionary biology, systematics, and vertebrate morphology, so it will be exciting to attend and report. Look to my blog for updates next week!

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